Sunday, February 5, 2012

Visual Journal

In the fall, I traveled to Colorado for the Professional Decorative Painter's Association. It was a great time to learn new techniques and ideas from other artists. Just when I thought all of the fun was over, I found the coolest store in the airport on my way home. The book talked about how to keep an artful journal. Now, I will be the first to tell you that I give up easily and have ADD. I always start the new year off taking vitamins and quit after about two weeks. I have started journals a number of times because I have been told that keeping a journal is very mentally cleansing and healthy. It is also so very fun to go back and see where you were at a particular time in life, and to gauge where you are now with goals and dreams! Since this type of journal includes drawing and doodling, I think I have a shot at keeping this up for a while. It makes me happy inside when I review my days gone by in color. Here are some pages I would like to share with you. I hope this motivates you to write your feelings down, especially if it is a special time in your life. A very wise friend of mine named Charlotte told me to write down my feelings when I got married. She said write it down because you won't always feel this same way. She was of course, right , and thank goodness I listened to her. I can't tell you how many times I have referred back to that journal, and I fall madly back in love with my husband each and every time. What a blessing!

Have a wonderful day! And then go write about it!


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